Tax Planning Services

Make the tax code work for your clients.

Proactively address a question on every client’s mind—am I paying more than I have to in taxes?

The tax landscape is complex, ever-changing, and requires technical knowledge and experience. This is why so few advisors are addressing tax minimization for their clients, even though the demand is there.

Tax Planning Services adds the expertise of LPL’s tax professionals – including CPAs and tax attorneys – to your team, enabling you to seize the opportunity to differentiate yourself, increase wallet share, and elevate your value.

Brian Beasley

“We consider the Tax Planning Services team as part of our team. We know most clients and their CPAs will likely want to vet us. We feel confident saying that ‘we do this now’ and know it differentiates us. So much so, that we just added our Tax Planning to our website!”


- Brian Beasley, Structure Financial Group, LLC


Key Benefits

Meet The Demand In The Market

Demand is high—your clients don't want to pay more than is necessary in taxes. Increase your value by helping your clients minimize future tax liabilities.

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Gain Niche Expertise


As an extension of your team, CPAs and tax attorneys interpret, craft, and communicate tax scenarios and implications based on your clients’ unique goals.

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Deliver Actionable Roadmaps

Show tangible cost savings to your clients with an actionable roadmap that drives decision-making for the next one-to-three years.

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Lean Into Holistic Planning

Confidently and proactively expand your planning capabilities into a more comprehensive model that aligns well with your high-net-worth and business owner clients.

Tax planning vs tax advice

The distinction is key – understanding these two very different processes is important when it comes to taxes and financial planning.

Tax Planning  

Sharing of “what if” scenarios and general educational information on how tax strategies relate to your clients’ situations and goals.

Pro tip: Tax planning is a critical component within comprehensive financial planning.



Tax Advice

Clear “how to” recommendation of specific strategies, plans for implementation, as well as guidance throughout the process.

Pro tip: Tax advice must be provided by professionals who meet extensive academic and expertise requirements.




While many of your clients would benefit, business owners and high-net-worth individuals who have sophisticated tax needs have the most to gain from a comprehensive tax plan.

We work with you to review your book and identify clients who have specific personal, employment, and investment characteristics that help determine if they may benefit from tax planning.

Then, on agreement to engage, we create a tax plan customized for each client on a case-specific basis.

Tax Planning Services will work closely with you to understand your clients’ goals and the specifics of their situation. Then we’ll review and indicate whether there is an opportunity to minimize certain clients’ future tax liability, while also determining the level of engagement needed.

It’s up to you. Some advisors ask our tax planning team to co-present the plan to their clients in partnership with them, while others simply want to consult with us prior to the client presentations. Regardless of who presents, we’ll be available to guide you and answer your clients’ questions throughout the process.